Wednesday 16 October 2013


There are memories
I have concealed
In deep hushed forests
Of dark pine trees
Each needle
A jabbing thought of you.
Deep memories
Buried in winter
That came tumbling out
Because a friend
Was owed some honesty.

Could you,
Make me feel a bit or more or too much?
Not today, not again
Always, forever.
I love you still
Madly and sadly
And differently
And samely.
I love you still
But there isn’t any still
In you or in me.
So I love you
Not as much as I should
Far less than I could
But more,
Far more than I thought.

Saturday 12 October 2013


Today I spent
An age
Staring down
Blank, lined paper.
My laptop
Has a folder
Containing snapshots
By a camera lens
That adored
You both.
Today I hate you both-
A little, very much, 
Not at all. 
Today I wish
We weren't so
Screwed up together.
Today I don't want 
To be a living
Mausoleum; Of your 
Fucking love story. 
Today its 4:40 am
And I would like
A little love
A lot of sleep
And perhaps- absolution.
Today it's killing me.
Today I spent 
An age
Staring down
Blank, lined paper.